

This plugin has been closed as of 2024 ལོའི་ཟླ 7 ཚེས 10 ཉིན། and is not available for download. རྒྱུ་རྐྱེན: Guideline Violation.


2020 ལོའི་ཟླ 4 ཚེས 13 ཉིན། 1 reply
I downloaded CPO Widgets to use your recent posts widget and it almost did the job. I was wanting a plugin that elegantly displayed the recent posts with an image and the post title in the sidebar. Yours did this but it also added the date, which I can’t have. I scoured through my admin panel looking for the settings page you talk about on your installation page. There is no settings page, anywhere. All this plugin needs is a way to customize it and it would be a 5 star plugin!
གདེང་འཇོག 2 ཡོངས་སུ་ཀློག

བྱས་རྗེས་འཇོག་མཁན། & གསར་འབྱེད་པ།

“CPO Widgets” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
